FWD: Hot Potato!

Never Peel Another Potato!

Watch as Dawn Wells from Gilligan’s Island, lets us in on a little tip for Potato Peeling.

Peeling boiled potatoes, THIS IS GREAT!

If you take the time to watch this, you will not only be glad you did, but you will forward this to all your daughters, sisters, moms, etc…

I haven’t tried it yet, but I will!  Just when you thought you knew everything about boiling potatoes …

To all who love making mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes andpotato salad from scratch but hate peeling the boiled potatoes, here is the solution for easy peeling. This will  BLOW your mind. Well, we do learn  something new every day?

I wish I had known about this thirty years ago.
Peeling the cooked potato was the least desirable part in making
 a potato salad.


FWD: Take The Sting Out

Mosquito Season is Right Around the Corner

It’s about that time folks — so thought I’d send out this reminder!!!!
OK, mosquitoes..prepare to be repelled!!!!!

Use Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets…Best thing ever used in Louisiana..just wipe on & go..Great for Babies

Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October . He said it works. He was right.
Hasn’t had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it.
Every one he has talked into trying it works on them.
Vitamin B-1( Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.)

If you eat bananas, the mosquitoes like you, – something about the banana oil as your body processes it.
Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitoes will be much less interested.

This is going to floor you, but one of the best insect repellents someone found (who is in the woods every day), is Vick’s Vaporub.

Plant marigolds around the yard, the flowers give off a smell that bugs do not like, so plant some in that garden also to help ward off bugs without using insecticides.

“Tough guy” Marines who spend a great deal of time “camping out” say that the very best mosquito repellant you can use is Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol.

One of the best natural insect repellants that I’ve discovered is made from the clear real vanilla. This is the pure Vanilla that is sold in Mexico. It works great for mosquitoes and ticks, don’t know about other insects.

When all else fails–get a frog

Fight West Nile..pass this along to all your friends in skeeter land!!!


FWD: Living Will


Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to her,
“I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no quality of life
at all, If that ever happens, just pull the plug.”

So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.

She’s such a bitch.
Maxine - Living Will


FWD: Gas Problems

Problems at the Pump


A friend stopped at a pay-at-the-pump gas station to get gas. Once she filled her gas tank and after paying at the pump and starting to leave, the voice of the attendant inside came over the speaker. He told her that something happened with her card and that she needed to come inside to pay. The lady was confused because the transaction showed complete and approved. She relayed that to him and was getting ready to leave but the attendant, once again, urged her to come in to pay or there’d be trouble. She proceeded to go inside and started arguing with the attendant about his threat. He told her to calm down and listen carefully:

He said that while she was pumping gas, a guy slipped into the back seat of her car on the other side and the attendant had already called the police.

She became frightened and looked out in time to see her car door open and the guy slip out. The report is that the new gang initiation thing is to bring back a woman and/or her car. One way they are doing this is crawling under women’s cars while they’re pumping gas or at grocery stores in the nighttime. The other way is slipping into unattended cars and kidnapping the women.

Please pass this on to other women, young and old alike. Be extra careful going to and from your car at night. If at all possible, don’t go alone!
This is real!!

The message:

1. ALWAYS lock your car doors, even if you’re gone for just a second!

2. Check underneath your car when approaching it for reentry, and check in the back before getting in.

3. Always be aware of your surroundings and of other individuals in your general vicinity, particularly at night!

Send this to everyone so your friends can take precaution.


Barbara Baker, Secretary Directorate of Training U.S. Army Military Police


FWD: Environmental Crisis

Result of Tree Shortages

Another problem caused by deforestation.

Deforestation#dogs  #markyourterritory

FORWARD  this to all those who need to mark their territory before it’s too late!