FWD: You Can’t Have Your Cake & Eat It Too!!!

Cake Mix Warning


CakeEater(Not a Joke!)


Sent to me by a friend, please take the time to read about this…
I think this has been around before, but it’s worth reading again!

Warning re: Cake Mixes – Who knew?


I always thought that “old” mixes that were past their expiration date would just not rise/bake correctly. This is scary!


Somebody wrote:
Before my surgery I bought quite a few Duncan Hines cakes mixes that were on sale.
A couple of months ago I decide to use one. I checked the expiration date and found it past, all the boxes were passed the expiration date. I phoned Duncan Hines to ask if the one that was only two months passed if it was OK. She told me in no uncertain words to throw them all out, she even said to open the boxes and throw the mix in the garbage, just in case someone picked it up and used it.


Cake Mixes & Toxins
FORWARD this on to ALL in your address book.
You never know whose life you may save by doing so.
For those of you at work, PLEASE remember to check your cupboards when you get home tonight!!!


This is confirmed on Snopes :


A student at HBHS (high school) had pancakes this week and it almost became fatal. His Mom (registered nurse) made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play tennis. She never takes her cell phone on the court but did this time and her son called to say he was having trouble breathing. She told him to go to the nurse immediately and proceeded to call school and alert the nurse. The nurse called the paramedics and they were there in 3 minutes and worked on the boy all the way to the hospital. He came so close to dying.


Hot cake, a name for pancake in Japan, topped ...


Evidently this is more common then I ever knew.
Check the expiration dates on packages like pancakes and cake mixes that have yeast which over time develop spores..

Apparently, the mold that forms in old mixes can be toxic!

Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix, brownie mixes, Bisquick, cake & cookie mixes, etc., you have in your home.


Tell this to your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and anyone else who keeps these types of mixes in the cupboard.

This warning especially applies to any person(s) with mold allergies.


A decorated birthday cake

A decorated birthday cake (Photo credit: Wikipedia)





FWD: Quality Control


Times when it’s OK to use the ‘F’ word…

Grolsch 99 Bottles of Beer on the Road

Full Bread
A Reason to Cut The Crust Off Your Bread


Someone’s not doing their job correctly!

Forward this to those having a rough week. It’s almost Friday!

(Email Forward Circa 2011)


FWD: Crack A Couple Eggs To Make….


Banana on Pancake

Six -year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister, spilling it on the floor.

He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten.

Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad.

He didn’t know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on the stove and he didn’t know how the stove worked! Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky.

And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon ‘s eyes. All he’d wanted to do was something good, but he’d made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him.

Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own pajamas white and sticky in the process!

That’s how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we insult a friend, or we can’t stand our job, or our health goes sour.

Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can’t think of anything else to do. That’s when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him.

But just because we might mess up, we can’t stop trying to “make pancakes” for God or for others. Sooner or later we’ll get it right, and then they’ll be glad we tried…

I was thinking. and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that need rekindling or three words needing to be said, sometimes, “I love you” can heal & bless! Remind every one of your friends that you love them. Even if you think they don’t love back, you would be amazed at what those three little words, a smile, and a reminder like this can do.

Just in case I haven’t told you lately… I LOVE YA!!!
Please FORWARD some of this love on to others….
suppose one morning you were called to God;
Do all your friends know you love them?

Send this to everyone you love, and send it back to the person who sent it to you.. And never stop “making pancakes.”

FWD: To Grandmas House We Go

Grandma’s House




Richard  is out with his friends and stops by his grandmother’s  house  for a visit.


There’s a bowl of peanuts on the coffee table.


So Richard and his friends start snacking on them.


When  they’re ready to leave, his friends say,
“Nice to meet you,  ma’am, and  thank you for the peanuts.”


Then  Grandma says…
“You’re  welcome.  Eat all ya’ want…”


“Ever  since I lost my dentures, all I can do is suck the chocolate off  ’em.”


Forward to everyone you know so they can also throw up in their mouth as they read this!


FWD: Now You Know and….

How many of these did YOU know about?

KnowingishalfthebattleA sealed envelope in your way?
Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a
knife under the flap. The envelope  can then be  resealed.  (Hmmmmmm…….)


Too Many Cluttered Cords?
Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them 
neat  and  you can  write on the roll what appliance it belongs  to.


For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: 
Get  warm water and put 
Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all  over the steps. They won’t
 refreeze. (wish I had known  this for the last 40 years!)


To remove old wax from a glass candle  holder:
Put it in the freezer for 
a few hours. Then  take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The 
wax will  fall out.


Crayon marks on walls?
This worked  wonderfully! A damp rag, dipped 
in baking  soda. Comes off  with little effort (elbow grease that is!).


Have marks on your counter top?
For instance: Permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store receipt
Use rubbing alcohol on paper  towel.


SOS Saver
Whenever I purchase a box of S.O.S  Pads, I immediately take a pair of
scissors and cut each  pad into halves. After years of having to throw
away rusted  and unused and smelly pads, I finally decided that this  would 
be  much  more economical. Now a box of S.O.S   pads last me indefinitely! 
In fact, I  have noticed  that the scissors get ‘sharpened” this way!


Blood stains on clothes?
Not  to worry!  Just pour a little hydrogen  
peroxide on  a cloth and proceed to wipe off every drop of blood.    Works 
every time!  (Now, where to put the body?)     LOL

Streaky Clean Windows
Use vertical strokes when washing windows  outside and horizontal 
for  inside  windows.  This way you can tell which side has the  streaks. 
Straight vinegar  will get outside windows really  clean.  Don’t wash windows 
on a sunny day.  They will  dry too quickly and will probably streak.


Scented Lights
Spray a bit of perfume on the light  bulb in any room to create a lovely 
light scent in  each room when the light  is turned  on.


Fresh and Clean
Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will smell
 freshly washed  for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels and  linen.


Freeze Before Burning
Candles will last a lot longer if placed in  the freezer for at least  3
hours prior to burning.


Flower Power Clean
To clean artificial flowers, pour  some salt into a paper bag and add the
flowers. Shake vigorously as  the salt will absorb all the dust and dirt
and leave your artificial flowers looking like new! Works like a  charm!


Clean Broiled
To easily remove burnt on food from your  skillet, simply add a drop or two of dish  soap 
and enough  water to cover bottom of pan, and bring to  a boil on stove  top.


Stain Spray
Spray your TUPPERWARE with nonstick cooking spray before pouring 
in tomato based sauces and there won’t be any stains.


Celery Wrap
Wrap  celery in aluminum foil when putting  in the refrigerator and it will keep for  weeks.


Sweet Corn
When boiling corn on the cob, add a  pinch of sugar to help bring out the
corn’s natural  sweetness


Hangover Headache Helper
Cure for headaches: Take a lime,  cut it in half, and rub it on your 
forehead.   The  throbbing will go away.


Wine Cubes
Don’t throw out  all that leftover wine: Freeze into ice cubes for future
use  in casseroles and sauces ……..   LEFT OVER WINE, WHAT’S THAT?  🙂


Itch Relief
To get rid of  itch from mosquito bites, try applying soap on the area  
and  you will experience instant  relief.


Ants Marching
Ants, ants, ants everywhere …  Well, they are  said to never cross a chalk  line.. So, 
get your chalk  out and draw a line on the floor or wherever ants tend to march. See for  yourself.


Fresh Reflections
Use  air-freshener to clean mirrors. It does a  good job and better still, 
leaves a lovely smell to the  shine.


Splinter Tape
When you get a  splinter,  reach for the scotch tape before resorting to
tweezers or a needle.  Simply put the scotch tape over the splinter, and
then  pull it  off. Scotch tape removes most splinters painlessly and  easily.


Seltzer Cleaner
Now look what  you can do with Alka Seltzer……..

Clean a toilet.
Drop in two Alka Seltzer tablets, wait twenty minutes, brush  and flush. 
The citric acid and effervescent action clean vitreous China.

Clean a  vase.
To remove a stain from the bottom of a glass vase or cruet, fill with water 
and drop in two Alka Seltzer  tablets.

Polish  jewelry.
Drop two Alka Seltzer tablets into a glass of  water and immerse the 
jewelry  for two  minutes.

Clean a thermos bottle.
Fill the bottle with water, drop in four Alka Seltzer tablets, and let soak 
for an hour (or longer, if  necessary).

Unclog a drain.
Clear the sink drain by dropping three Alka Seltzer tablets down the 
drain followed by a cup of  Heinz White Vinegar.. Wait a few  minutes, 
and then run the hot water.

Do your  friends a favor. Forward this timely (and some not-so-timely)
information on to a friend!
I just did.  
(Makes you wonder about ingesting Alka Seltzer,  doesn’t it?)

(Email Forward Circa 2010)